SERVICE ADVISORY: March/April monthly ticket update

With the continued increase in temporary closures of workplaces, events, schools and other public areas, the South Shore Line continues to closely monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19. We understand that many of our monthly ticket holders will not be able to fully utilize their passes for the second half of March and possibly into early April.

Therefore, the SSL is extending usage of the March monthly ticket throughout the month of April for all riders who have purchased the pass.

Those who have March paper monthly tickets may continue to use them for the remainder of March, and the same ticket throughout April. Those with March mobile app monthly tickets will see a new ticket uploaded to their account prior to April 1.

As an alternative, passengers who would prefer a March monthly refund may still request this option via the following methods:

1)     Paper tickets: Submit the monthly paper ticket to a SSL ticket agent during business hours.

2)     Mobile app tickets: Email App Support. You may do this via the app by selecting ”More” in the bottom right corner and ”Email App Support” from the drop-down menu.

3)     If you are unable to submit the ticket to a SSL ticket agent, please contact

Please note the pro-rated refund date will be Friday, March 13, 2020, and passengers have until Friday, March 20, 2020, to arrange for March monthly refunds. No refunds will be provided after that date.

For SSL passengers who receive their SSL tickets through their employers via a commuter benefits program such as Wage Works, Wired Commute and Commuter Benefit Solutions/Edenred, those are being addressed accordingly. Please contact us via if you have additional questions as to your specific situation.

We thank our passengers for their patience and ridership during this time and encourage everyone to continue to adhere to CDC recommendations, including washing hands often with soap and water for at least 20 seconds and staying at home if they are sick.