Train Tickets
& Fares
Getting a ticket to ride has never been easier!

How Does It Work?
Riding the South Shore Line is as easy as 1, 2, 3!

Check Schedules
Look at our timetable schedules and find the train and time that you would like to ride.

Look at the tickets and fares to learn about all of your options for purchasing tickets, and then purchase tickets based on your departure and arrival stations.

Arrive at your departure station 15 minutes before the scheduled departure time. Then board the train and enjoy the ride!
Your Tickets, Your Way

Up to three children 13 years of age and under rides FREE with an accompanying adult on all weekend and holiday trains and weekday trains arriving at Millennium Station after 9:30 a.m. and departing before 3:30 p.m. and after 6:30 p.m. Other children 13 years of age and under ride at reduced (1/2) fare at all times.
An accompanying adult must be a parent or legal guardian and at least 21 years of age.

Passengers 65 years of age or older are eligible for reduced fares on all trains. To qualify, present proof of age (driver’s license, other government-issued I.D., RTA, or Medicare card) at time of purchase. Seniors qualified for “Senior Ride Free” RTA Reduced Fare Card ride free between Hegewisch and Chicago.

Active duty military personnel with a Uniformed Services Common Access Card (CAC) may travel at reduced fare at all times.

Reduced fare for youths commuting to accredited elementary , middle and high schools. To qualify for a reduced one-way or 25-ride ticket, contact NICTD for an application and more information.

For groups of 10 or more passengers, call (219) 874-4221, ext. 245 at least 14 days in advance for special group rates.