DLZ Indiana, LLC, headquartered in South Bend, IN, is pleased to announce that a second public open house will be held for South Shore Line’s South Bend Airport Realignment project on January 28, 2025, at Dickinson Intermediate Fine Arts Academy (4404 Elwood Avenue, South Bend, IN) from 6 pm to 8 pm EST.
DLZ was awarded the engineering services contract for the South Bend Airport Realignment project by the Northern Indiana Commuter Transportation District (NICTD) in the last quarter of 2022. The DLZ team has since been diligently working to bring this project goal to fruition. This project aims to provide a quicker, safer, and more efficient route for commuters to travel between South Bend and Chicago. The South Shore Line station will be moved from the South Bend International Airport terminal’s east side to its west side, reducing travel time, providing a new and modern platform/airport waiting room, and increasing safety.
The first public open house was held on Wednesday, April 5, 2023, in South Bend, Indiana, and provided the public information on the project partners, project summary, alignment, federal process, and right-of-way acquisition. This second public open house will provide a project update that will include a project summary, alignment and station improvement renderings, roadway design, impacts and improvements, environmental assessment, and right-of-way acquisition.
“NICTD has been a valued client of DLZ since the 1990s, and DLZ has partnered with NICTD on over one hundred fifty projects in the last forty years, said Anthony Glenn, DLZ Project Manager. “It has been my professional priority to make this project a success, and part of that success includes holding a second public open house. Please join us on January 28, 2025.”
For more information about the South Bend Airport Realignment project, visit www.southshorelinesouthbendairportreroute.com.