SSL announces free rides for doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, other medical personnel and law enforcement on the frontlines

To show appreciation for personnel who are tirelessly working on the frontlines of the coronavirus pandemic, South Shore Line (SSL) is inviting all doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, firefighters, other medical personnel and law enforcement to ride free. Law enforcement encompasses police officers, correctional officers, TSA agents, and other security personnel.

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May Monthly Ticket Update

To show our continued appreciation for our passengers, the South Shore Line announces that all monthly tickets purchased for the month of May will remain valid throughout June 2020. With the extension of Illinois' stay-at-home order until May 30, we understand that our passengers may continue to have differing travel schedules throughout the next few months.

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March Monthly Ticket Refund Request Period Extended – Update 4.2

The South Shore Line is aware that many of our passengers were planning to use their March monthly tickets throughout the month of April.

However, due to the continued impact of COVID-19, and the Illinois governor's extension of the Stay-at-Home order until April 30, we know that many of our riders will now be unable to use their March tickets in April. Therefore, the SSL is going to again offer the opportunity to riders to request a refund for March monthly tickets. 

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SSL modified schedule revision: April 1, 2020

At the time the South Shore Line implemented the modified weekday schedule last week, we placed two extra trains in the morning and evening rush hour periods. Scheduling was based upon ridership levels at that time, but a lot can change in one week during this pandemic.

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Bikes on Trains temporary suspension

The South Shore Line announces that the Bikes on Trains program set to begin April 1, 2020, will be temporarily suspended until further notice. Bikes will be prohibited from all weekend and weekday trains during this time.

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South Shore Line to reduce service levels

Due to the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, the South Shore Line will be implementing a temporary modified weekday train schedule to be in effect MONDAY, MARCH 23, 2020, until further notice. Please review the attached full schedule of revised weekday train times, which is essentially a modified weekend/holiday schedule with the addition of two morning and two afternoon rush hour trains. Our weekend train schedules will not be changed at this time. 

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SERVICE ADVISORY: March/April monthly ticket update

With the continued increase in temporary closures of workplaces, events, schools and other public areas, the South Shore Line continues to closely monitor the evolving situation with COVID-19. We understand that many of our monthly ticket holders will not be able to fully utilize their passes for the second half of March and possibly into early April.

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