Utility Installations
Accessing NICTD property
Accessing NICTD property for any purpose requires permission. This includes utility crossings/encroachments and temporary access to railroad property.
Any utility installation within the railroad right-of-way requires the Utility Owner to submit an application to NICTD. NICTD has an application procedure (and associated forms) for utility installations, which can be downloaded below. Applications must be completed in full and submitted with all required information and fees, as described in NICTD’s procedure.
Any proposed construction requires plan review, flagging and/or inspection, scheduling, and a signed Agreement from NICTD. In addition to NICTD’S application procedure, the railroad also has Utility Installation Guidelines that must be followed. These guidelines describe NICTD’s design and construction standard specifications and requirements for utility installations. Please see NICTD’s current Utility Installation Guidelines below.
When needing to conduct activities on NICTD property that are more temporary in nature, such as surveying, inspection, soil boring/sampling, etc., applicants shall complete the required indemnity agreement provided by NICTD. Supporting drawings and documentation are also required for this type of work, as described in NICTD’s Application Procedure for Utilities. A copy of NICTD’s Right of Entry Indemnification Agreement can be downloaded below.
Contractor Safety

SAFETY is our overarching concern.
All operations by utility contractors working on NICTD right-of-way shall be conducted so as not to interfere with, interrupt or endanger the operations of trains or damage, destroy, or endanger the integrity of railroad facilities.
All work on or near NICTD property shall be conducted in accordance with NICTD’s safety rules and regulations. This includes wearing proper PPE, conducting job briefings and following all other FRA rules and regulations regarding on-track safety when working on or around railroad tracks. All work within 25 feet from the outside rail on each side of the track must be done under the supervision of a qualified NICTD EICOTS/flagman. These and additional requirements regarding safety are expanded on in NICTD’s Utility Installation Guidelines.
Any questions related to utilities shall be directed as described in NICTD’s Application Procedure for Utility Installations.