Temporary midday busing between Gary/Chicago Airport (Clark Rd) & Dune Park stations Oct. 25-27, 2021

The South Shore Line plans to bus midday passengers between Gary/Chicago Airport (Clark Rd) and Dune Park stations, effective Monday, Oct. 25 through Wednesday, Oct. 27. The busing is due to third-party utility work related to the Double Track NWI project (https://www.doubletrack-nwi.com/).

Passengers are advised that no bikes will be transported via bus. Bike trains/stations will provide normal service outside of busing hours.

Buses will arrive and depart with passengers to match our published train schedule between Dune Park and Gary/Chicago Airport. Westbound passengers should be prepared to detrain and board buses in front of the Dune Park Station and re-board South Shore trains at Gary/Chicago Airport. Eastbound passengers will detrain at Gary/Chicago Airport to board buses and board their regular trains again at Dune Park.

Buses will be making all intermediate scheduled stops between Dune Park and Gary/Chicago Airport.

The following trains will be bused to stations between Dune Park and Gary/Chicago Airport Oct. 25-27, 2021: 

  • Westbound Trains 116, 18, 118, 20
  • Eastbound Trains 7, 107, 9, 109, 11, 111