June 28, 2024 Dear South Shore Line Riders, This is the third service letter update since the start of the new service on May 14th, and I am happy to report that we continue to see improvement. The morning rush hour remains our strongest performing segment of service, and other pockets of trains are doing
Thank you for participating in our survey. We are working diligently to address the concerns our passengers have identified.
To accommodate passengers attending the Rolling Stones concert taking place at 8 p.m. Thursday, June 27, and Sunday, June 30, 2024, at Soldier Field, the South Shore Line plans to stop select trains at Metra’s 18th Street Station, which connects passengers directly to the Soldier Field entrance via a pedestrian walkway. As 18th St. Station
June 14, 2024 Dear South Shore Line Riders, Two weeks ago, I let you know that the roll-out of our new service had not gone as planned. Some of you may say that this is an understatement. Over our first two weeks of operating the new schedule, we had numerous late trains, many of which
June 14, 2024 Dear South Shore Line Riders, Two weeks ago, I let you know that the roll-out of our new service had not gone as planned. Some of you may say that this is an understatement. Over our first two weeks of operating the new schedule, we had numerous late trains, many of which
UPDATE: Temporary overnight busing for eastbound passengers between Miller and Dune Park stations has concluded ahead of schedule, effective today, June 13, 2024. Regular weekday train service has been restored for EB Tr 131, 133, 135 & 101/601. ###